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Uses formulas for fire flow developed by the national fire academy and reports guidelines by ISO and the National Fire Prevention Association.

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Conduct remediation studies in real time, finding the best places to augment water supply to achieve the next level of water flow for public safety and ISO classification.

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FireRoute's web application extends to all users in the jurisdiction, whether from a desktop, in a vehicle MDC, or a mobile device.

Accurate. Answers you can rely on for remediation and water supply expansion.

FireRoute accounts for hydrants, dry hydrants, cisterns, accessible surface water, as well as the fleet of engines and tankers in your county and mutual aid. This data is used to calculate the flow rate under real fire scene conditions and can be calibrated using your water operations drills.

Immediate. Get timely answers and evaluate remediation scenarios.

After FireRoute analyzes the structures in your jurisdiction for possible low flow conditions, it helps you plan how to cost effectively improve available water sources to gain the flow rates recommended by NFPA, the National Fire Academy, and accreditaion organizations for community preparedness.

Accessible. Relevant information when you need it.

FireRoute is acessible to anyone you choose. Fire personnel, EMS, planning commisions, community groups and others. The information contained in FireRoute remains secure from the outside, and is only released with those you choose.

Contact us for information or to add your jurisdiciton to FireRoute.